A way of concealing messages from even being seen except from the sender and receiver is:
  1. Cryptography
  2. Steganography
  3. Hiding
  4. Concealment
Answer: B - Steganography is the practice of concealing messages from being seen except if one knows what they are looking for.

Key Takeaway: The concept behind steganography is that of hiding in plain sight. With steganography a message is concealed in such a way so as anyone except the sender or receiver are either completely unaware of a message being there, or perceive the message as a different, innocuous message entirely. An example of this would be concealing a message within a jpg file. Most people will only see it is a picture, whereas the receiver will have the means to translate it into a message. Steganography is almost always preferred to cryptography as an encrypted message will always attract attention.
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