Which of the following statements is true about atrial septal defect?
  1. Pulmonary hypertension is an indication for surgery
  2. Closure should be done after puberty
  3. Increased pulmonary blood flow and leads to recurrent respiratory infections
  4. Pulmonary blood flow is decreased in these patients
Answer- C - The statement “Increased pulmonary blood flow and leads to recurrent respiratory infections” is true about atrial septal defect (ASD)
Atrial septal defect (ASD):
•Results in increased pulmonary blood flow and leads to pulmonary vascular congestion and recurrent respiratory infections
•Indications for surgery: should be closed by age 5 to avoid pulmonary hypertension; in adults with evidence of left-to-right shunt
•Surgical procedures: transcatheter closure, direct suture, use of pericardial or Dacron patch
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