Which of the following statements does not abide by the nurses’ code of ethics?
  1. The nurse’s main commitment is to the patient
  2. The nurse is not supposed to collaborate with other healthcare professional while caring for patients
  3. The nurse is an advocate for the patient and aims to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient
  4. The nurse is responsible for preserving the integrity and safety of the patient
Answer- B - “The nurse is not supposed to collaborate with other healthcare professional while caring for patients” does not abide by nurses code of ethics.
Code of ethics for nurses includes 9 key points:
1.Nurses should practice medicine with compassion and respect for the patient and should not be biased in their treatment approach. They should not be restrictive in their care due to social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of the health issues.
2.The nurse’s main commitment is to the patient.
3.The nurse is an advocate for the patient and aims to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient.
4.The nurse delegates care of the patient and makes sure to provide optimum patient care.
5.The nurse is responsible for preserving the integrity and safety of the patient.
6.The nurse should aim to maintain and improve the healthcare environment to administer optimum care consistent with the profession.
7.The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice and education to meet health needs.
8.The nurse should collaborate effectively with other healthcare professional to provide optimum care.
9.The profession of nursing is responsible for articulating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of the profession, and for shaping social policy.
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