MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Which of the following statements about air bags is correct?
  1. Infants should only ride in a front seat with a passenger-side air bag if the infant is in a rear-facing car seat.
  2. An adjustable steering wheel should be tilted up to ensure that the airbag points toward the head and neck.
  3. An air bag is only effective when a vehicle's occupant is no more than ten inches from the air bag.
  4. Air bags are only effective when they are used with a lap/shoulder belt.
Correct Response: D. Automobile air bags are designed to be used in conjunction with lap/shoulder belts. Without such belts in place, air bags may not be effective, and they could actually be dangerous. Infants should never ride in the front seat of a vehicle (A). Air bags are designed to operate with normal settings of the steering wheel (B) and seat position (C).
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