Which of the following set of symptoms is correctly matched with the location of the aneurysm?
  1. Brain - severe headache, blurred vision, pain around eye
  2. Brain - loss of memory, slowness of movement
  3. Lower limb - muscle paralysis, tremors in feet
  4. Abdomen - nausea, vomiting, loss of sensation
Answer- A - “Brain - severe headache, blurred vision, pain around eye” symptoms match correctly with the location of the aneurysm. Associated symptoms vary by location of the aneurysm. Aneurysms located closer to the surface of body may present with swelling and pain; however, most aneurysms within the body are asymptomatic. Aneurysms in the brain can present with symptoms of localized severe headache, intense pressure, nausea and vomiting, neck pain, blurred or double vision, pain in or around the eye, dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, and loss of sensation. Aneurysms in the abdomen may present with a deep dull penetrating pain in the lower back or abdomen that lasts for days to hours. Signs and symptoms of a peripheral aneurysm may include leg or arm cramping, coldness, and numbness or tingling in the feet due to blocked flow to the peripheral arteries.
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