Which of the following protocols operates on 2.4GHz and has a bandwidth of 1Mbps or 2Mbps?
  1. 802.11g
  2. 802.11a
  3. 802.11b
  4. 802.11-1997
Answer: D - 802.11-1997 operates at 2.4GHz and allows for bandwidths of 1Mbps or 2Mbps.

Key Takeaway: 802.11-1997 is the original version of the standard IEEE 802.11. It is almost obsolete now. It allowed for three different layer 1 technologies. It could use diffuse infrared that operated at 1 Mb it/s. It could also utilize frequency hopping spread spectrum or direct sequence spread spectrum. Both of the spread spectrum technologies operated at either 1 or 2 Mb it/s.
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