David wants to install a proxy server that can reduce the organization’s upstream bandwidth usage, reduce cost, and improve the network performance. Which of these could serve his purpose?
  1. Hostile proxy
  2. Content-filtering proxy
  3. Web proxy
  4. Caching proxy
Answer: D - To reduce upstream bandwidth, lower cost, and improve performance, David should use a caching proxy server.

Key Takeaway: A caching proxy stores frequently requested network resources such as webpages and serves them to the requesting client. This has the effect of reducing bandwidth usage as the clients have a reduced need to communicate with the content that is actually on the Internet. This, in turn, also increases performance as frequently used resources are served more quickly to the clients and there is more bandwidth available to serve the content that the proxy has not cached. A content-filtering web proxy server provides administrative control over the content that may be relayed through the proxy.
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