PMI PMP Project Management

Category - Time Management

Which of the following is true about rolling wave planning?
  1. It allows you to plan to the lowest detail in advance.
  2. It plans for the work only after key people are in place
  3. Involves waiting until additional information is available before planning
  4. Work packages are determined at each level early on in the project
  5. It is not an acceptable project management technique
Answer: C - Rolling Wave Planning allows you to determine based on your experience that it is better to wait until more information is available. It entails making detailed tasks not for the entire project, but only for a short term horizon, say a week or a month out. This can be effective in projects with high future uncertainty. Why spend a ton of time planning for something that may substantially change?

Key Takeaway: Rolling wave planning should not be your excuse to not properly plan at a higher level. This technique has a specific time and place. In most cases, tasks can be planned with some certainty fairly far out. This type of planning is only for highly dynamic projects where information may arrive later that would substantially affect the course of the project.
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