Which of the following is the correct match of a stress reduction technique and the method used in that technique?
  1. Meditation - use of mind to alter the stress response
  2. Imagery - interfering with the sympathetic nervous system
  3. Autogenic training - use of repetitive verbal phases and concentrating on sensations
  4. Cognitive restructuring - deep relaxation through use of mantras
Answer- C - The correct match is Autogenic training - use of repetitive verbal phases and concentrating on sensations. Autogenic training is a technique that involves the use of repetitive verbal phases and concentrating on sensations to lead to deep relaxation. Cognitive restructuring involves the use of mind to alter the stress response. Imagery is another method for stress reduction. Additionally, progressive muscle relaxation reduces stress by interfering with the sympathetic nervous system. Meditation is a process that leads to deep relaxation through the use of mantras and concentration.
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