Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Which of the following is the BEST method for a Group Fitness Instructor to solicit ongoing feedback from class members?
  1. Sending out a survey to facility membership asking for feedback
  2. Standing at the door after class and soliciting input in person
  3. Calling 1-2 class members each week to encourage attendance and solicit input
  4. Placing comment cards at the back of the room for people to fill-out on their own timeframe
Answer: B - Nothing works better than soliciting immediate feedback and that can best be accomplished by standing at the back of the room and talking with people as they leave. The end-of-class moment is the instructor’s opportunity to connect with class members, ask input about music choices, gain insight into special needs and determine if the customer is “satisfied” with the group fitness experience. A personal thank-you can help ensure that attendees know that they were part of a community and that their presence was noticed and appreciated.
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