Which of the following best describes the purpose of an SSID in a wireless network?
  1. Identifying the network
  2. Better signal strength
  3. Better connectivity
  4. Encryption
Answer: A - An SSID is the name of a wireless local area network (WLAN). All wireless devices on a WLAN must employ the same SSID in order to communicate with each other and identify themselves.

Key Takeaway: SSID broadcast beacons are released out into the open at periodic intervals. These beacons have information about the specific wireless network from which it was sent. A user can use the network using the information contained in this SSID beacon. The SSID on wireless clients can be set either manually by entering the SSID into the client network settings or automatically by leaving the SSID unspecified or blank and letting the wireless network settings be auto discovered and set remotely.
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