Ryan is inserting data inside of an ICMP packet to communicate to an already comprised system. What is Ryan doing?
  1. Resolution Attack
  2. Loki Attack
  3. Backdoor Entering
  4. Data Swiping
Answer - B- When someone is inserting data inside of an ICMP packet to communicate to an already comprised system, they are committing a Loki attack. The ICMP protocol was developed to send status messages, not to hold or transmit user data. However, inserting data inside of an ICMP packet can be used to communicate to an already compromise systems. Loki is actually a client/server program used by hackers to set up backdoor systems. The attacker targets a computer and installs the server portion of the Loki software. The server portion “listens” on a port, which is the backdoor, and the attacker can use it to access the system.
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