PMI PMP Project Management

Category - Procurement Management

Which of the following are key roles of the project manager in the procurement process?
  1. Identify goods and services to procure
  2. To act on behalf on the entire project not just the contract portion
  3. To make sure the contract contains all the necessary details pertaining to the project
  4. To assist in assessing risks and making sure they’re included in the contract
  5. Approving payments
Answer: A, B, C, D, E -

During negotiations, the project manager will play a key role in deciding what to procure, as well as act on behalf of the project’s interest, and to ensure that known risks are worked successfully into the contract.

Later, they will perform scope verification to assure payments have been earned and can be paid out.

Key Take Away: Count yourself among the lucky ones if you get to participate in the contract negotiations process. If you are so lucky, be sure to make good use of that opportunity. Many project managers are handed poorly negotiated contracts and then have to tirelessly work through a series of hurdles to get work done.
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