CPCE Exam Prep

Category - Ethics

When performing an evaluation on another counselor, a supervisor will look at what areas of performance?
  1. Time management skills
  2. Accurate and timely paperwork completion
  3. Progression toward client goals
  4. All of the above
Answer - D - In a clinic, all three areas are an important aspect of evaluation. The use of time management skills is a necessary component to managing the work load. If a counselor uses a large amount of time completing paperwork, there is either less time to see clients or the counselor is spending a large amount of overtime or personal time to complete the required case notes. The need for accurate and timely completion of paperwork is necessary for both quality assurance and refreshing the counselor’s memory prior to the next counseling session. Progression toward client goals is a vital area of evaluation. Clients need to make progress and see progress toward their goals in the counseling process or soon become discouraged.
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