EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

When conducting operant learning, an individual will likely go back to instinctive behavior which is an example of ________________.
  1. Stubbornness
  2. Instinctive hallucination
  3. Instinctive drift
  4. Instinctive pigheadedness
Answer: C - When conducting operant learning, an individual will likely go back to instinctive behavior which is an example of instinctive drift. Instinctive drift is when an organism just goes back to doing things the way their instinct tells them to. If you teach a rat to salivate at the sound of a bell using classical conditioning, it is only a matter of time when instinctive drift interferes with the learning. The rat then goes back to salivating in response to the smell of its food because of instinct. Instinct is a powerful motivator and it is important in the survival of an organism. This makes it much more lasting than any response that is taught.
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