EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Jade’s dream since her fifth birthday was to become a ballerina. Now at 20, she has practiced for thousands of hours to be hired by the Royal Ballet Company. Her _________ motivation is what fueled her dream.
  1. extrinsic
  2. intrinsic
  3. drive
  4. hunger
Answer: B - Jade’s dream since her fifth birthday was to become a ballerina. Now at 20, she has practiced for thousands of hours to be hired by the Royal Ballet Company. Her intrinsic motivation is what fueled her dream.
Key Takeaway: Intrinsic motivation is a motivating force that originates from within the person. Whether competing at the Olympics or building your own home, intrinsic motivation provides a person with the sustained energy and drive necessary to complete these tasks. Intrinsic motivation is especially important in helping a person overcome difficulties and tragedy. For example, an athlete who suffers a serious injury may have to spend week or months in rehabilitation. The intrinsic motivation to get back to the game is important in helping the athlete deal with the pain and disappointment of the injury.
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