EPPP Psychology

Category - Assessment and Diagnosis

What is the difference between the MMPI-1 and MMPI-2?
  1. MMPI-1 is more up-to-date with current cultural and language changes
  2. MMPI-2 is a revision of the tests done in 1989
  3. Neither one has been changed much
  4. None of the above
Answer: B - The difference between the MMPI-1 and the MMPI-2 is that the MMPI-2 is a revision of the MMPI-1. The MMPI-1 was developed during the 1930’s and contains many cultural and racial biases. A revision was completed in 1989 to correct these biases, including gender references and outmoded idiomatic
expressions. The result is the MMPI-2.
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