EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Tom’s Chihuahua lunges on its front legs when she hears the clank of her food bowl. The lunging is considered a _______________.
  1. Instinctive learning
  2. Conditioned response
  3. Instinctive association
  4. Conditioned stimulus
Answer: B - Tom’s Chihuahua lunges on its front legs when she hears the clank of her food bowl. The lunging is considered a conditioned response. In classical condition, a condition response is a behavioral response to a conditioned stimulus. When a Chihuahua is first fed, she hears a clank of her food bowl. This clank is initially neutral because it has nothing to do with feeding. After several days and weeks, the Chihuahua is conditioned to respond to the clank of her bowl because it means that food is near. The lunging forward is, then, a conditioned response.
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