tome : read
  1. filibuster : chat
  2. weapon : brandish
  3. odyssey : enlist
  4. prognosis : forecast
Answer: Choice (B) is correct.

A tome is a book, usually a volume of a larger work. Therefore, the relationship between these words is that the second word is done to (or with) the first. Choice (A) is incorrect because one does not chat to or with a filibuster. A filibuster is an exceptionally long speech by one person, usually to stop the adoption of a measure in a legislative assembly. Choice (C) is incorrect because one does not enlist or join an odyssey or an adventure. One might undertake an odyssey, but enlist does not have the same relationship as the initial pair. Choice (D) is incorrect because prognosis and forecast are synonyms; they do not have the same relationship as tome and read. Choice (B) is correct because one can brandish, or wield, a weapon.
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