CRNE Exam Prep

Category - Professionalism

The parents of an eighteen year old client are upset because their daughter has been admitted to hospital and they have not been given a diagnosis. What is the nurse’s best response to their demands to be informed about their daughter’s condition?
  1. “Your daughter is of legal age and we are not obliged to give you that information.”
  2. “Your daughter has the right to keep any information from you that she wishes.”
  3. “I’m not really supposed to tell you but your daughter….”
  4. “I understand your frustration. Why don’t we see if your daughter would like to discuss her condition with you? If she gives me permission, I could also explain.”
Answer: D - The nurse must relay to the parents that their daughter is of legal consenting age for care and to tell them anything without her permission would be a breach of confidentiality.
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