Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Prep

Category - Pyschosocial Care

The nurse assistant observes that a client with amnesia looksfine but responds to questions in a vague, distant manner. What should the nurse assistant do?
  1. Give the client lots of space to test his/her independence.
  2. Keep the client busy, and make sure he/she doesn’t take naps during the day.
  3. Use short, simple sentences whenever the client needs direction.
  4. Spend as much time with the client as possible and ask questions about his/her recent life.
Answer: C - Disruptions in the ability to perform basic care, confusion, and anxiety are often apparent in clients with memory loss. Offering simple directions to promote daily functions and reduce confusion helps increase feelings of safety and security. Giving this client lots of space may make her feel insecure. Asking her many questions that she won’t be able to answer just intensifies her anxiety level. There is no significant rationale for keeping her busy all day with no rest periods; the client may become more tired and less functional at other basic tasks.
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