EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

The fourth ethical standard of the official ethics code adopted by the APA in 2002 deals with privacy and confidentiality. In most cases, confidentiality must not be breached except with client release of information or when otherwise mandated by law. If a psychologist feels that another individual is in danger of physical violence from her client, she is required to notify that individual. The legal guideline to this particular action is known as:
  1. Abuse reporting
  2. Tarasoff statute
  3. Psychological safety code
  4. Havey mandate
Answer: B - The Tarasoff statute, which was imposed by the California supreme court as a result of the landmark case of Tarasoff v. The Regents of the University of California in 1976 requires a psychotherapist to warn a person she believes may become the victim of a violent act committed by her patient. Not all states have imposed similar mandates, although a significant majority (roughly 75 percent) have.
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