SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

taunt : spiteful
  1. expression : vex
  2. secret : divulge
  3. jurisprudence : biased
  4. gerrymander : divide
Answer: Choice (D) is correct.

A taunt is a sarcastic insult, intended to be spiteful or hurtful. Choice (A) is incorrect because an expression is not intended to vex or trouble someone. Choice (B) is incorrect because a secret is not intended to be divulged or told. Choice (C) is incorrect as well. Jurisprudence is supposed to be fair and even-handed; it is not intended to be biased. Therefore, choice (D) is correct. A gerrymander is the division of a state into districts to give one political party an advantage. Therefore, gerrymander is intended to divide.
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