SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

idyllic : tranquil ::
  1. languid : leisurely
  2. mordant : gentle
  3. pensive : thoughtless
  4. mellifluous : callous
Answer: Choice (A) is correct.

Idyllic means peaceful, relaxing, and tranquil. So, look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. Choice (B) is incorrect because it contains antonyms. Mordant means scathing and sarcastic, not gentle, so eliminate that choice. Choice (C) is incorrect, because it contains antonyms. Pensive means thoughtful and meditative, not thoughtless. Choice (D) is incorrect as well. Mellifluous means smooth, and callous means harsh, so eliminate that choice. Choice (A) contains synonyms. Languid and leisurely are synonyms for unhurried and relaxed.
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