LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

Bigtime Business is a Minnesota corporation that manufactures widgets and employs 500 individuals. Bigtime Business’s Articles of Incorporation state that all employees are considered at-will employees, except for the President and other officers appointed by the Board of Directors. Bigtime Business’s employees formed a union, and all employees joined, but the union agreed in a collective bargaining agreement that the rules in Bigtime Business’s employee handbook apply to all at-will employees. If a paralegal concluded that the rules of the employee handbook applied to Mr. Hernandez, what minor premise is necessary for that conclusion?
  1. The employee handbook was approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. Mr. Hernandez is an at-will employee of Bigtime Business.
  3. Mr. Hernandez is a member of the union formed by Bigtime Business’s employees.
  4. The rules of the employee handbook apply to Mr. Hernandez.
Answer: B - Mr. Hernandez is an at-will employee of Bigtime Business. Answer B is correct because it allows the conclusion to be reached. The major premise is that the rules of the employee handbook apply to all at-will employees of Bigtime Business. The minor premise identifies Mr. Hernandez as one of the employees covered by the employee handbook. That allows the conclusion that the rules apply to Mr. Hernandez. Answer A is not correct because it does not establish anything about Mr. Hernandez and does not allow a conclusion about him. Answer C is not correct because it does not establish anything about the employee handbook and does not allow a conclusion about the handbook. Answer D is not correct because is restates the paralegal’s conclusion.
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