Sandra Hawks, 69 years old, was diagnosed with colon cancer. Upon the request of her daughters, the information was withheld from her. When her daughters leave, the client asks you a question about her diagnosis. How should you respond?
Answer: C - You should say, “I don’t have any information as of the moment, but I’ll find out for you.” The nursing assistant may spend more time with the client than any other member of the health care team. Often, you are the only person a client will see all day. Therefore, it’s best to not lie to the client. You might lose her trust if she finds out that you lied to her.It’s also best to not tell the client simply that you have no information, as this closes the conversation. Instead, tell the client you will find her an answer. Then call and talk to your supervisor. Plan an answer with her. When you promise to find an answer for a client, do it. Do not go back on your word.