SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

poignant : dispassionate ::
  1. adroit : skillful
  2. brazen : insolent
  3. chimerical : realistic
  4. comely : attractive
Answer: Choice (C) is correct.

In the first half of the analogy, poignant and dispassionate are antonyms. Poignant means emotional and heartrending, not dispassionate. In choice (A), someone who is adroit is skillful and adept, so eliminate that choice. In choice (B), someone who is brazen is insolent - bold and shameless. In choice (D), someone who is comely is attractive or nice-looking. The only choice that contains antonyms is choice (C). Something that is chimerical is highly unrealistic, or fantastically improbable, not realistic, so that is the correct choice.
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