SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

impromptu : extemporaneous ::
  1. tepid : enthusiastic
  2. uncouth : gracious
  3. sedentary : inactive
  4. cursory : painstaking
Answer: Choice (C) is correct.

Impromptu and extemporaneous both means unprepared or unrehearsed. So, look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. In choice (A), tepid means lukewarm or halfhearted, not enthusiastic, so eliminate that choice. In choice (B), uncouth means uncivilized or crude, not gracious, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), cursory means hasty or superficial, not painstaking and meticulous, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), sedentary means the same as inactive, so this is the correct choice.

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