Phlebotomy Technician

Category - Procedures & Tubes

Phil the New Phlebotomy Tech is searching for an appropriate venipuncture site on a patient with an AV fistula in the right arm and an IV in the left arm. Phil has chosen a site on the left arm, below the IV site. With the IV stopped for a few minutes, he applies a tourniquet below the IV site and above the venipuncture site. He makes certain he has a different vein from the one the IV is infusing. Phil draws and discards about 5ml of blood, before drawing the specimen intended for testing. What (if anything) has Phil done wrong?
  1. Phil should have drawn from a foot vein.
  2. Phil should have drawn above the IV site.
  3. Phil didn’t need to discard blood.
  4. Phil didn’t do anything wrong.
Answer: D - Phil followed correct procedure when drawing a sample from the same arm as an IV infusion. While choosing a site on the opposite arm from an IV site is the first choice, in this scenario, it is not an option due to placement of the AV fistula. Drawing a sample from the same arm that an IV is infusing can result in inaccurate results if protocol is not followed. Drawing a specimen after the IV has been shut off for a few minutes, selecting a site below the IV site, selecting a different vein, discarding the first 5 ml of blood, help to collect an undiluted sample.
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