Phlebotomy Technician

Category - Procedures & Tubes

Phil the New Phlebotomy Tech has been counseled. The lab has rejected excessive amounts of his specimens, due to short draws. What does Phil need to do to decrease his rejection rate?
  1. Hey, trick question! There is no such thing as a short draw.
  2. Pass single draws to another phlebotomy tech.
  3. Speak with the lab tech that is responsible for rejecting his specimens.
  4. Fill the specimen containers to appropriate volume.
Answer: D - Phil should fill specimen containers to the volume requirements of the specific tube to avoid short draws and lab rejection of his specimen. A short draw refers to an inadequately filled colored-topped specimen container. Each additive requires specific blood-to-additive ratios, to prepare blood for studies. The clinical laboratory cannot perform studies on improperly prepared blood and will need another sample to complete the study. It is the responsibility of the phlebotomist to understand the preparation requirements necessary for the requested tests.
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