MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

People who think that they are susceptible to a lifestyle-related health problem tend to take preventive actions. Others feel that they are immune to lifestyle-related health problems or that the pleasure derived from unhealthy behaviors outweighs long-term consequences. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated by these examples?
  1. The role of significant others in supporting healthy behaviors.
  2. The choice of a behavioral change technique compatible with personal values.
  3. The way in which external factors affect an individual's readiness to change.
  4. The influence of personal beliefs and attitudes on health practices.
Correct Response: D. Behavioral change is largely dependent on the motivation to change, as illustrated by the examples. People who believe that they are susceptible to a lifestyle-related health problem will be motivated to take preventive action. This concept is central to the health belief model. In contrast, people who believe that they are immune to lifestyle-related health problems or who enjoy unhealthy behavior will not be motivated to adopt new habits. These examples illustrate several ways that personal beliefs and attitudes can influence health practices. The role of significant others (A), choosing a behavioral-change technique that aligns with one's values (B), and the acceptance of external evidence (C) are all generally positive forces that increase motivation. Therefore, these options do not illustrate the two examples that describe resistance to change. 
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