IAPP CIPP/US Practice Exam

Category - Professional

Over time, ECPA has been significantly amended by several later laws. Which of the following has not included amendments to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act?
  1. Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
  2. USA Patriot Act
  3. CISA
  4. FISA Amendments
Answer: C - The ECPA initially aimed to provide protections for certain types of communications. As technology has evolved and allowed for new means of communication, amendments have supplemented, revised, or even created exceptions in the ways electronic communications may be accessed, disclosed, and used. 
 CALEA, the USA Patriot Act, and FISA Amendments have clarified, updated, and adjusted provisions of the original ECPA. For instance, the Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act set forth exceptions for law enforcement to lawfully access electronic communications in some instances. This act also provided for exceptions to ECPA by creating means for which ISPs and storers of electronic communications lawfully divulge stored communications. These exceptions include divulgence in response to valid legal processes, like court orders or warrants
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