You are working with a 22-year-old male patient who abuses alcohol. He expresses frustration and anxiety about sexual function. What can you communicate to this patient on the impact of alcohol on sexual function?

  1. Alcohol abuse increases desire and performance ability.
  2. Alcohol abuse leads to headaches and too-tired syndrome.
  3. Alcohol abuse leads to hyperarousal and premature ejaculation.
  4. Alcohol abuse decreases desire and ability to perform.

Answer: D - Alcohol abuse causes decreased desire for sex and decreased ability to perform in most men. The most common forms of sexual dysfunction with alcohol abuse are decreased pleasure, decreased ability to perform, decreased sexual arousal, and anxiety about performance.  This frustration with sexual dysfunction can contribute to relationship problems, anxiety, or depression that may exacerbate overall issues. It also offers an incentive for some men to directly address the alcohol abuse issue.

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