One of the families you treat has a 16-year-old son.  This teenager has been in frequent trouble with the law, demonstrating no regard for right and wrong. He often violates the rights of others, lies, behaves violently, and likely has drug addiction. Timothy is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of family or school. You suspect a psychiatrist will have what diagnosis?

  1. Anti-social disorder
  2. Bi-polar disorder
  3. Avoidant personality disorder
  4. Conflict disorder
  5. Severe ADHD

Answer: A - Anti-social personality disorder is a chronic mental illness that can be destructive. An individual’s manner of thinking, perceiving situations, and relating to others is abnormal. This disorder is presumed to be caused by environmental and genetic influences. Factors that increase the risk of developing anti-social disorder include exposure to abuse during childhood, unstable family life, and losing parents to death or divorce. Confirming this diagnosis, then ensuring proper treatment in conjunction with a psychiatrist will be the first step toward helping your patient and his family control this disorder.

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