AP US History Exam Prep

Category - AP US History

Of the following groups, which would have been most likely to believe in Manifest Destiny?
  1. Supporters of Presidents Tyler and Polk
  2. Transcendentalists
  3. Abolitionists
  4. Northerners
Answer - A - The supporters of Presidents Tyler and Polk would have been the most likely to believe in Manifest Destiny.

Key Takeaway: Of these groups, supporters of Presidents Tyler and Polk would have been the most likely to believe in Manifest Destiny because these presidents passionately pushed for the annexation of new territories. Polk was even willing to go to war with Mexico in order to gain control of Teas and California. Transcendentalists, Abolitionists, and Northerners all saw Westward expansion as a way to expand the institution of slavery and therefore, would not have believed in Manifest Destiny.
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