EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Noah’s parole officer insists that he wear an electronic monitoring band on his ankle. Within an hour of putting the band on his ankle, Noah can barely feel the monitor which is an example of ___________.
  1. saturation
  2. feature perception
  3. sensory adaptation
  4. tactile adaptation
Answer: C - Noah’s parole officer insists that he wear an electronic monitoring band on his ankle. Within an hour of putting the band on his ankle, Noah can barely feel the monitor which is an example of sensory adaptation.
Key Takeaway: Sensory adaptation occurs when our senses including touch, smell, vision, and hearing adapt to stimuli. You will probably notice classical music playing in the background when you first enter a bank. If you have to wait in line for some time, your ears will adapt to the music and you may not even know that it is there anymore. The same can be said of visual and smell stimuli. Sensory adaptation helps the body process new information by adapting to old stimuli and making space for new ones.
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