EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

Jean Piaget’s theory of child cognitive development presents stages in which skills are adopted. The first stage is ______________.
  1. Preoperational
  2. Concrete operations
  3. Sensorimotor
Answer: C - Jean Piaget’s theory of child cognitive development presents stages in which skills are adopted. The first stage is sensorimotor. Jean Piaget developed a sequential stage system to explain children’s cognitive development from birth until adolescence. The first stage is called the sensorimotor stage and it is from birth until approximately 2 years. The second stage is from 2 years until 7 years and is called the preoperational stage. The third stage is called concrete operations and is thought to last until age 11. The fourth and final stage is termed formal operations and is presumed to begin at 11 and continue into the child’s adolescent years.
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