CGRN GI/Endoscopy Practice Exam

Category - Gastrointestinal

Mr. Tuxen, a 66-year-old black American, was brought by his wife to the Emergency Department because he is increasingly confused and is coughing blood. His medical diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. While assessing Mr. Tuxen, the nurse understands that the correct technique when doing abdominal assessment is:
  1. Palpate the most painful area progressing to the least painful parts
  2. Begin with inspection and end with palpation
  3. Follow the sequence of auscultation, inspection, percussion, and palpation
  4. Auscultate the bowel sound first then perform palpation and percussion
Answer - B - The correct sequence when doing abdominal examination is inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. The least invasive is done first and the most uncomfortable is done last.
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