CGRN GI/Endoscopy Practice Exam

Practice test for the SGNA CGRN Certification Exam

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SGNA CGRN GI/Endoscopy Nursing Practice Test - New 2021

This set covers provides practice test questions for the SGNA CGRN GI/Endoscopy Nursing exam.
Topical Areas covered include:
Infection Prevention
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Our GI Nurse practice questions are highly relevant, and can also be used for practices for the GI/Endoscopy certification.


There are 175 questions (150 graded, 25 ungraded) on the CGRN GI/Endoscopy Exam divided across the following four categories: General Nursing Care (24%), Gastroenterological Procedures (33%), Patients Care Interventions (27%), and Environmental Safety, and Infection Prevention and Control (16%).

The CGRN GI/Endoscopy Exam is 4 hours long.

The passing score for the CGRN GI/Endoscopy exam is not specified.

Getting a passing score on the CGRN GI/Endoscopy Exam grants the test taker Gastroenterology Registered Nurse certification.

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Ted Chan

Ted Chan

Managing Editor

Ted Chan is the Managing Editor of Ted has experience as a journalist and a writer, including editorial or content production roles at ESPN, Better Business Bureau, The Boston Globe, and Forbes. Ted holds a BA from Swarthmore College with High Honors, and a MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Ted also studied at the Harvard Business School, earning a Certificate in Value-based Health Care Delivery.

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