Food Safety

Category - Pests

Michael is mopping the food prep area of his café. When he moves the refrigerator, he notices an oily odor and something that looks like black pepper. What might this be a sign of?
  1. The area hasn’t been cleaned recently.
  2. Mice are living under the refrigerator.
  3. Cockroaches are living under the refrigerator.
  4. Someone spilled pepper and didn’t clean it up.
Answer: C - If Michael notices an oily odor and something that looks like black pepper when he is mopping under the refrigerator, it might be a sign that cockroaches are living under it. Cockroach droppings resemble black pepper. Roaches can carry Salmonella sppas well as parasite eggs and viruses. Any evidence of roach activity should be reported to a pest control operator immediately.
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