Many personality disorders have long-term effects without the proper therapy and treatment. One in particular is more prevalent in females than males and involves 3% of the general population. Symptoms include a pattern of attention seeking behavior that may even become provocative in nature. Victims of this disorder may display rapidly shifting expressions of emotions, show self-dramatization and use physical appearance to draw attention to themselves.

What disorder is described above?
  1. Histrionic personality disorder
  2. Narcissistic personality disorder
  3. Schizoid personality disorder
  4. Dependent personality disorder
Answer: A - People with histrionic personality disorder have difficulty achieving and maintaining intimacy in romantic relationships. Victims will often act out a role and seek to control their partner. Same-sex friend relationships are also hindered due to the provocative interpersonal style that may seem threatening. Patients often crave stimulation, excitement and novelty.
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