Category - Logical Reasoning

Larry: “I only eat organic, natural food products so I won’t eat anything that has a complicated sounding label. If I can’t pronounce it, it’s not natural.”

Giselle: “But that’s not really true. Many healthy, normal ingredients are listed by their chemical compound name. For example, plain, natural salt could be listed as sodium chloride.”

Giselle is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?
  1. It is not important to read nutrition labels because they are intentionally misleading.
  2. It is important to understand all names for food ingredients in order to understand food labels.
  3. Food ingredients should always be listed in the simplest terms to avoid confusing people.
  4. Organic products are only products that are labeled organic.
  5. Any product that has a complicated sounding name can be trusted to be inorganic.
Answer: B - Giselle would most likely agree that it is important to understand all names for food ingredients in order to understand food labels. Giselle argued that Larry was not really understanding what food labels meant, and was mislabeling potentially natural products as unnatural just because they had complicated names, making her likely to agree with answer B.
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