Praxis II PLT 7-12

Category - Students

Kevin Stanton is an excellent student who has a presence during oral presentations that impresses all his teachers and all his peers. He shows clear in enjoyment and exceptional skill at public speaking. Which of the following strategies should be employed to support Kevin?
I) He should be offered chances to speak publicly at school events
II) He should be offered opportunities for presenting material in class
III) He should be given extra educational tools to enable his success
IV) He should be reminded that he is just one of many students in the class
  1. I and IV
  2. I, II and III
  3. I, II, and III
  4. II, III and IV
Answer: C - I, II and III. Reminding Kevin that he is just one of many students is a form of negative reinforcement that will benefit no member of the educational community, especially in the instance of a student with an exceptional talent. If that student is well accepted by his peers for that talent, that indicates a beneficial situation for all students concerned.
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