John wants to implement a firewall which monitors only TCP ports and allows all traffic to be passed once a connection is established. Which type of firewall should he use?
  1. Stateful Inspection Firewalls
  2. Application filtering
  3. Packet Filtering Firewall
  4. Circuit-Level Firewall
Answer: D - To monitor only TCP ports, John must implement a circuit-level firewall.

Key Takeaway: A circuit-level firewall works by monitoring and controlling TCP ports. It monitors the handshaking to make sure it is legitimate. The circuit-level firewall does not monitor the data thatpass over the connection. Application filtering monitors connections to check incoming e-mails for viruses. A circuit-level firewall allows all traffic to be passed after the connection is allowed. Stateful inspection firewalls immediately disconnect or drop the connection if an attempt is made to perform an action that is non-standard for the specific protocol.
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