David is the Security Advisor at his organization. He is predicting a rapid growth in the number of systems connecting to the corporate network. Which of these should he implement to hide segments of the network from other segments and thereby control access to data on the network?
  1. Security zone
  2. VLAN
  3. NAT
  4. MAC
Answer: B - VLAN can be used to hide segments of a network from other segments, thereby controlling access to data on the network.

Key Takeaway: VLAN allows you to create groups of users and systems and segment them on the network. This segmentation lets you hide segments of the network from other segments and thereby control access. You can also set up VLANs to control the paths that data take to get from one point to another. A VLAN is a good way to contain certain network traffic to a specific area in a network. MAC is a sub-layer in the OSI model. NAT is a method of presenting a single IP address to the Internet while relaying Internet traffic to the computers within the network.
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