John is getting frequent complaints from users about receiving unsolicited e-mails from an e-mail address. What should he do to prevent this from occurring?
  1. Configure Outlook to block these e-mails.
  2. Configure a rule in each user’s router and restart the router.
  3. Configure the firewall to block e-mails.
  4. Install an anti-spam filter for the domain mail servers and filter out the offending e-mail address.
Answer: D - To fix this problem, install an anti-spam filter for the domain mail servers and filter any e-mail addresses that are sending spam.

Key Takeaway: Some of the most common techniques used to reduce spam include sharing e-mail addresses with limited individuals, address obfuscation or “munging,” avoiding responding to spam, disabling HTML in e-mail, and reporting spam. All these methods used in together can considerably reduce spam.
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