David has just switched on his system and opened a word document. Surprisingly, the dialer started dialing the internet. What kind of an attack has probably occurred?
  1. ACK attack
  2. Worm
  3. Logic bomb
  4. Virus
Answer: C - A logic bomb notifies an attacker when a certain set of circumstances has occurred. This triggers an attack on the system.

Key Takeaway: A logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally inserted into software that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are met. For example, a programmer may hide a piece of code that starts deleting files, should they ever be terminated from the company. Software that is inherently malicious, such as viruses and worms, often contain logic bombs that execute a certain payload at a pre-defined time or when some other condition is met. This technique can be used by a virus or worm to gain momentum and spread before being noticed. To be considered a logic bomb, the payload should be unwanted and unknown to the user of the software.
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