CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

John is administering a set of servers in his organization. One of the drives in a RAID-5 disk array fails. From a business standpoint, John cannot shut down the server to replace the hard drive. What else can he do to fix this issue?
  1. Update the driver for the bad hard drive.
  2. Swap the drive through the hot-swapping method.
  3. Re-install the driver for the bad hard drive.
  4. Shut down the server and swap the hard drive.
Answer - B - John should use hot-swapping and swap the drive to fix this issue.

Key Takeaway: Hot-swap technology allows a user to insert or remove various PCI cards and hard drives on the fly. These can be replaced without having to shut down the system. The system that supports hot-swapping should be able to modify its operation for the changed configuration, either automatically or by user intervention. The electrical and mechanical connections associated with hot-swapping must be designed in such a way that neither the equipment nor the user can be harmed during the process.
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