Jill is trying to install an antivirus on her laptop while logged in on her guest account. In spite of repeated attempts she is not able to install the antivirus software. What could be the most likely problem?

  1. It is an old version of the antivirus software
  2. She has just re-installed the operating system
  3. She has Microsoft office running on the computer
  4. She is logged in as a guest

Answer: D - Since she is logged in as a guest, she will not have privileges to install any application on the computer. She would either need to log in as an administrator or assign administrator privileges to her account.

Key Takeaway: There are many reasons why an antivirus fails to get installed. They include:

1. Incompatibility with the OS.
2. Another antivirus on the system.
3. User who is trying to install is logged in as a guest.

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