EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Jane’s teacher adds a sticker to her book every time she gets a grade of A in one of her subjects. This is an example of ______________________.
  1. Negative reinforcement
  2. Positive reinforcement
  3. Classical conditioning
  4. Operant conditioning
Answer: B - Jane’s teacher adds a sticker to her book every time she gets a grade of A in one of her subjects. This is an example of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when a reward is offered in order to increase the frequency of a behavior. Jane’s teacher realizes that getting a sticker that shows her grade of A is a sign that she did very well. The sense of accomplishment and pride that Jane feels after getting the sticker reinforces her desire to continue getting A’s in her subjects. This means that the sticker is encouraging or reinforcing those behaviors that lead to getting A’s, such finishing her homework and studying for her exams.
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